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September 2021 to April 2022

Fee: Free for NVA STEM students


eCyber Missions Challenge


eCYBERMISSION is a web-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) competition for students in grades six through nine that promotes self-discovery and enables all students to recognize the real-life applications of STEM. Teams of three or four students are instructed to ask questions (for science) or define problems (for engineering), and then construct explanations (for science) or design solutions (for engineering) based on identified problems in their community. Students compete for State, Regional, and National Awards. The U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program is committed to answering the Nation’s need for increased national STEM literacy and to expanding STEM education opportunities across the country to open doors to new career paths for American students that lead to a brighter tomorrow.

Requirements: Grades 6th-9th

Free: Free for NVA STEM students

Jr. Solar Sprint


JSS is an educational program for 5th through 8th grade students with the goal of creating the fastest, most interesting, and best crafted solar-vehicle possible. Students will design, build and race solar powered cars using hands-on engineering skills and principles of science and math, develop teamwork and problem solving abilities, investigate environmental issues, and gain hands-on STEM skills.

Participant will:

  • work with teammates in designing and building a solar car using STEM skills

  • race your car at a TSA state event or Army-hosted event

  • design your car in a creative way

  • participate and compete at the national TSA conference against many other teams from across the country

Requirements: Grades 5th-8th 

Fee: Free to NVA STEM Members



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Contact Us

© Copyright 2001 by Nubian Village Academy 

Tel: 804.405.3761


Mailing Address

PO Box 26321

Richmond, VA 23260

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