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Program Application
Welcome to the Nubian Village Academy for S.T.E.M. The annual program application fee is $150 per academic year (September to April) and includes your child's participation in our monthly workshops, speakers series, and programs. They will also receive a complimentary membership to the National Society of Black Engineers. Scheduled competitions and partner programs may require an additional activity fee. Complete one application per student and submit.
NVA STEM program participation is free from discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, ethnic group, age, national origin, or country of abode.
Complete the NVA STEM Student Application and Submit Payment
Download Latest Activity Schedule
Join our email list and confirm your subscription.

We will process your application and update you within 14 days of receiving payment and all documentation.
Activities with additional fees
Build-2-Fly $TBA (4 sessions)
High School Aviation Ground School $TBA
High School Drone Pilot School $TBA
Stock Market Game $TBAmembers/ $TBA non-members (year-long)
NSBE 51st National Convention TBA
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