Grades 3rd-8th

The STEMoney Wiz program has partnered with the
Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club Learn & Earn program. This program teaches financial literacy and entrepreneurship through activities for the classroom, home, and other settings where students and families learn. It was developed to extend the lessons of Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club webisodes and prime-time TV specials, both of which feature Warren Buffett. Learning settings across the country can benefit from the knowledge of this financial guru and his fictional friends! A robust array of materials sponsored by the Fairholme Foundation will be implemented throughout the program year.
Students ages 7 to 14 will have the opportunity to compete in teams of 2-4 for the "Grow Your Own Business" challenge.
Fee: Free for *NVA STEM registered students
Grades 9th-12th

The STEMoney Wiz Program focuses on creating positive financial habits and relationships with money that will serve participants throughout their lifetimes.
Delivering compelling, relevant content using examples and vernacular to which students can easily relate increases retention rates and makes the process more enjoyable for students. Hands-on activities and project-based learning get the students to take action around their personal finances. Students who complete the full course come away with real-world action steps that can ensure their personal financial well-being.
The curriculum covers core areas with direct impact on one’s personal finances. Topics were selected based on 8 years of refinement, research of existing standards, review of academic studies, suggestions from our Curriculum Advisory Board, and feedback from organizations around the globe.
High School lessons are broken down into 10 personal finance topic areas:
Financial Psychology
Account Management
Jobs & Careers
Credit Profile
Investments & Personal Finance Planning
Loans & Debt
Economic and Government Influences