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OBAP Richmond ACE Academy

Age: 13-18

Cost: $150

June 22, 2025
Sunday: 2:00p-3:30p
(Parent/ Student Orientation)

June 23-27, 2025
Mon-Fri: 8:30a-4:00p (Academy)

VCU College of Engineering
Classroom TBA




OBAP's Aerospace Career Education (ACE) Academy provides middle and high school youth with exposure to opportunities in aerospace and aviation through week-long summer camps.

Endorsed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), OBAP has served a leading role in establishing ACE Academies nationwide to introduce, educate and guide diverse students towards careers in aviation.


In 1992, OBAP partnered with the FAA to support two ACE Academies reaching 41 students. In 1994, the organization co-sponsored 17 academies and reached more than 400 students. To date, OBAP’s ACE Academies have engaged more than 30,000 youth!


OBAP's immersive ACE Academies are structured and tailored to provide exposure to the history of aviation, fundamentals of aerodynamics, air traffic control procedures, aerospace technologies and introductions to aviation careers. Now in 26 locations including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, with two terms in Memphis and Louisville, the program engages 1,100 students on an annual basis.


OBAP has partnered with the NVA STEM program to offer a week-long Summer Aviation Career Academy in Richmond, Virginia.


The camp is open to all youth between the ages of 13-18. Participants must submit their recent report card or transcript and parents must sign a liability waiver.


Admission Requirements


Admission is offered to boys and girls from 13 to 18 years old who have an interest in learning about aviation (incoming 9th,10th,11th,12th grade). Applicants are competitively ranked based on age, cumulative GPA.


• Students must be physically capable of participating in all activities.

• High standards of behavior and self-discipline are expected and students must abide by all academy regulations.

• Parents or guardians must attend an orientation before programs begin.


Application Process


There is a $150.00 non-refundable application-processing fee for ALL APPLICANTS to cover administrative and academy costs. The application deadline is May 30, 2024. Admittance is limited, so apply early!


The requirements are:


1. Submit a $150.00 non-refundable application fee. Payable online during the application process. a. If you require sending payment by Check or Money Order, you must contact the national office at 1-800-538-6227. Make all check/money orders payable to Richmond ACE Academy


2. Submit a completed online ACE Academy application. Once completed be sure to PRINT and bring to the first day or orientation of the academy.



3. Submit a copy of your most recent official school transcript or report card indicating your cumulative GPA. Incomplete packages will not be considered for admission and all documents will be discarded. Students will need money only if they intend to purchase personal items and are responsible for keeping their own funds.



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Contact Us

© Copyright 2001 by Nubian Village Academy 

Tel: 804.405.3761


Mailing Address

PO Box 26321

Richmond, VA 23260

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